What better image for the “speed” of Government business than the Sloth!
The sloth is an interesting creature; the slowest animal on earth with a maximum speed of .0003 miles per hour. Even slugs are faster. However, the Sloth’s seemingly “slothful” behavior has an explanation. They have an incredibly slow digestive system. It can take them up to a full month to digest a single leaf! As a result, they have only two choices, eat more or move less. Since they have been on the earth for sixty-four million years, their choice to expend as little energy as possible seems a winning strategy.
Government business is slow. It is the nature of bureaucracy to have a plodding pace and comedians have gotten a lot of mileage out of this criticism including Disney. But it seems that GOVT Contractors adjust their pace of business to the bureaucracy layering an additional delay upon an already infinite timeline. In our experience, very few contractors have a sense of urgency about what they do…
Recently I ran across a new Contractor whose company name is almost an oxymoron in this environment, Fast Enterprises (they refer to their staff as “fasties’). If so, they are an anomaly in my experience.
GOVT staffing contractors have synchronized their speed with the speed of GOVT business almost like the Sloth to its digestive system. They pursue business deals, candidate closures, and business development with the earnestness of a glacier. Positions are open for months, sometimes years with seemingly little concern to fill them. And while we have built our company specifically for speed, we have found that no one really cares if you are fast or not.
One of my colleagues suggested that the benefit of being slow is that you don’t make mistakes. A word to the wise. Even the Sloth makes mistakes. On occasion, due to the fact that they move in slow motion, a sloth mistakes his own arm for a tree branch and falls to his peril to the jungle floor!
If you have open positions to fill, when you get around to it, give us a call – 888-406-9485